My face must have become very unpleasant, because Tom David looked startled, then defensive.
More information to file, but the subject was becoming increasingly unpleasant.
"The situation has become unpleasant, to say the least," its letter said.
Our current situation was becoming more unpleasant with every passing moment, and it promised to get much worse.
The physical conditions of life are becoming more and more unpleasant for Americans.
Otherwise I think you might find things becoming highly unpleasant.
"I don't understand why this has become so unpleasant," said Leo, reasonably.
On the higher ground there was still little taint in the fresh air, though most villages bad become unpleasant.
We want to prevent the situation from becoming more unpleasant than it already is.
It doesn't take an expert to recognize that air travel is becoming increasingly unpleasant and unreliable.