Little is known how this nomadic jungle tribe became urbanized, and converted to Islam.
People became urbanized and lived in city-states, including Jericho; those were some of the world's earliest known cities.
Will the world ever become so urbanized as to be called this?
In a broad sense, the narrative underlying the Qur'an is that of a tribal society becoming urbanized.
Both regions are becoming ever more urbanized, with wild habitat claimed for residential, commercial, and agricultural purposes.
Society was becoming more urbanized, with large cities overtaking the more traditional rural regions in political influence.
Much of the Piedmont is becoming urbanized and developed.
In recent years, the watershed has become much more urbanized, and the headwaters region is mainly used for recreation, specifically skiing.
Like other Indian tribals, many are now immigrating to cities, and becoming urbanized.
These lands are now used for intensive agriculture or have become urbanized.