In the mid-1990's, the news media often used a popular beer advertisement to convey his playoff prowess.
One evening at dinner the novelist ceremoniously presented to Willie a large cardboard head of a goat cut from a beer advertisement.
At issue was a beer advertisement depicting "the big lawyer roundup."
Decoration is not much more than a few travel posters and beer advertisements, with a strategically placed sombrero.
Or the beer advertisements that have made predictable use of the word "light."
The bill, which faces a final vote, would ban beer advertisements on prime-time television, and would restrict advertising content.
Before filming, all of the major breweries wanted the McKenzie brothers to appear in beer advertisements.
An illustration of the flag covered a beer advertisement on a 35-by-50-foot section of the right-field scoreboard.
For example, in beer advertisements there is a strong appeal to working class loyalty, often to particular, local brews.
High-mounted televisions are often tuned to sports; beer advertisements and color photographs of amateur ball teams decorate the walls.