Steins - the word that refers to any beer container with a hinged lid and a handle - originated in Germany in the late 1400's.
I pulled over the car, he had an open beer container on the seat.
Empty beer containers, somewhat similar to milk cartons, are in such plentiful supply that some families have stacked hundreds together and made hut-like structures from them.
Use them, then discard them, as one would an empty beer container.
By common usage, stein refers to a beer container with a handle and hinged lid.
The law covers all aluminum, glass and plastic soft-drink and beer containers.
Effective February 5, 2007, Ontario's container deposit applies to wine and spirit, in addition to beer containers.
Manitoba: only beer containers are charged a deposit (10 ).
In Australia 807s are affectionately referred to as "stubbies" because they are almost as ubiquitous as that common Australian beer container.
The stars of the show will be beer containers.