"She sent me to that beer parlor," I said.
According to some estimates, greater Rome now has about 300 pubs and beer parlors, most of them in the city center.
He went out once to make a phone call from a beer parlor.
It was pretty close to noon when I got to this beer parlor, the one just down the street from the greenhouse.
Workmen were coming out of the greenhouse and making a beeline for the beer parlor.
She has a yarn about a beer parlor where a car started from and followed them, but what does that amount to?
Mrs. Prendergast noticed a car pull away from in front of the beer parlor and follow them.
The beer parlor was on my side of the street.
I wriggled away just in time, got to the end of the bar nearest the front of the beer parlor and looked around it.
Or that I had anything to do with your going to that awful beer parlor.