Yet, members take to the floor of the House almost daily to keep issues before their colleagues.
Expulsion or censure, in which the member must stand before his colleagues as his conduct is condemned, would have been more severe.
McDavid even apparently brought her concerns before her colleagues.
Mr. Bush had earlier placed before his colleagues an outline of a new position for the conventional arms talks.
But heads do nevertheless need to say what has to be changed from time to time- and should see the need for change before their colleagues.
When the Civil War began, he again raised a militia unit and appeared before his legislative colleagues in full uniform.
As mentioned before Herr and his colleagues made a robotic fish that was propelled by living muscle tissue taken from frog legs.
He squeezes in practice by arriving at the rehearsal hall two hours before his colleagues.
He had a far finer scheme than that of the Procureur to place before his colleagues.
And at the last, having sent me away so many times, he acknowledged me before his colleagues.