Markey has received the endorsement of several politicians, including Kerry even before his confirmation by the Senate.
The Pope-elect was required to issue an oath of allegiance to the Emperor before his confirmation as Pope.
His Enron holdings, then valued between $15,000 and $50,000, were sold before his confirmation last spring.
But her exclamation, coming as it did before her final confirmation, had been the ultimate in ill timing.
The new department, which has an estimated 170,000 employees, came into being only a week before Mr. England's confirmation by the Senate in January.
Before yesterday's confirmation of his conviction, he had been eager to carry on his writing career.
The first time occurred before his confirmation and the second last month in the Wedtech affair.
But by the account he provided the F.B.I. before his confirmation, he could not have paid her more than $40,000 over four years.
It is not conducted on children before their confirmation at the age of 14 anymore.
The inspector general is still looking into a few issues that came up before Dr. Crawford's confirmation.