And it did so before 86,128 fans, the largest crowd ever to watch a football game in the state of Texas.
What a game it was before 17,314 fans, a match tight from start to finish.
And that was the climate for the rest of the game, a 44-13 Eagles victory before 65,537 fans.
Both clubs won their playoff games to advance to today's game, which was played before 73,302 fans.
Last season, the Owls played seven home games before fewer than 500 fans.
This would later go on to be called their final goodbye before 60,000 fans.
Last night, the team played its first exhibition game before 23,690 fans who came to watch a dream doubleheader.
The first game they played was on May 1, against Richmond, a 2-0 loss before 9,000 fans.
The Yankees were the top attraction, playing before 2,072,284 fans on the road.
Last night's game was played before 15,556 fans and a national cable television audience.