It also began a promotion earlier this month that lowers its cost to $10 for up to $300, the average transaction amount.
To celebrate this, Fox began a promotion the day "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" aired, lasting four weeks until the season finale.
Fellow wrestler John da Silva also began a rival promotion, Central Wrestling Association, around this time but it eventually closed in the early 1970s.
No Fear began a promotion in 2009 to earn No Fear "cred" by entering codes found under the tab of the cans.
Delta has begun a promotion under which frequent fliers can earn a free trip for making two round trips.
Boston began a similar promotion this summer.
In April 2008, Bicycle Victoria began a cross promotion with Subaru dealers in Melbourne.
Thomas began a promotion in the early 1980s that remained a fixture on the station for nearly a decade, the "Magic Alabama Lottery".
The tasting begins a monthlong promotion of New York State wines in Brooklyn restaurants.
And next fall, Bloomingdale's will begin a storewide Spanish promotion.