Despite the arrival of a third anchor, foot traffic continued to suffer, and retailers began abandoning the mall in the early 2000s.
Both sides had suffered heavy human casualties, and next morning, Taliban forces began abandoning their positions fleeing from the area.
Problems with agriculture in the beginning of the 19th century would also occur just when industrialists began abandoning the city of Bragança.
Upper income black families began abandoning the area for neighborhoods further from the center of the city.
Realizing they were defeated, the U-boat's crew prepared scuttling charges and began abandoning their boat.
By the mid-1960's, the old timers say, landlords began abandoning buildings, as they did elsewhere in the city.
Many moderate supporters of the dictatorship began abandoning it in the face of growing revolutionary sentiment.
We have already had to begin abandoning our bases in Saudi Arabia.
By the late 7th century, the fubing troops began abandoning military service and the homes provided to them in the equal-field system.
The rest of the serpents began abandoning their mensch bodies.