In 1898 the Governor of Jamaica began appointing a Commissioner for the Islands.
Immediately, the commanding general began appointing officers to recruit these new units.
Following a framework set down in the 1906 Constitution, the Shah began appointing 30 of the 60 senators.
President Sarason immediately began appointing the fancier of his young officer friends to the most responsible offices in State and army.
Wei took advantage of the situation and began appointing the people he trusted to important positions in the palace.
As the victorious troops carry off gold from the defeated emperor's tent, the Emperor enters and begins appointing new officers for his court.
In this period of time, he could not exercise his power nor begin appointing a government.
Mr. Pataki should begin appointing his members right away.
Road construction first became a priority after 1750, when Zurich and Bern began appointing a governor for seven years.
He will begin appointing the new committee January 1.