Begin capturing ongoing material, writing your memories, events and experiences, allowing you to leave a written legacy.
The Allies had more troops, armour and aircraft and began capturing subsidiary targets to use as air bases for the major push in 1945.
About the same time, American military personnel began capturing some Iranians in Iraq, and some are still being held there.
The angry rebels began capturing and killing government officials.
English begin capturing French fortifications, New France and Ohio Valley, the war started going their way decisively this year.
Worse yet, the mutual funds industry has grown increasingly competitive as companies like Fidelity, Vanguard and Schwab began capturing much of the business.
He and his men begin capturing the natives for slave labor, throwing Chief Palala off the top of the plateau.
It is essential that all agencies understand their responsibilities regarding these requirements so that they can begin capturing this data immediately.
During the 1960s, these casual visitors began capturing large numbers of sea turtles until their activities were legally restricted in 1971.
The offspring begin capturing their own prey around 42 days of age, and travel in groups after only 23 days.