"Now that I've brought you out here," Clayton began conversationally, "what do you want me to do next?"
"Lain was born in a village beyond that western range," the Captain began conversationally.
'Hen said you were a lawyer,' she began conversationally.
'Well, I've never seen the like before,' he began conversationally.
"Me and Jack, we go back a ways," he began conversationally.
"How much longer is the security going to be..."The security Emassi began conversationally.
"I guess you changed the locks," Ian began conversationally as he trooped along with Royce.
I began conversationally as I slathered butter on my muffin.
'Your head will probably improve if I tell you where you are - and who I am,' he began conversationally.
'This is a very pleasant office,' she began conversationally as he handed her a cup and went round to the other side of the desk.