On returning, the band began demonstrating songs for a new album.
On computers that use video screens 10 feet tall, you begin demonstrating your forthcoming product.
At the age of 23, he began demonstrating this in public but lost interest for some time.
Cendri moved to her side, and began demonstrating the complex controls.
That could change when thousands of auto dealerships begin demonstrating the product in new cars.
At first the children begin demonstrating some odd behavior, particularly staring off into space.
And it began demonstrating the three-step product on college campuses.
Microsoft first began demonstrating some of the new features in 2003; at that time the company said the program would be released in 2004.
As a child, he began demonstrating such super-human strength that his own father was jealous and tried to kill him.
Tired of being made to wait in line, for hours, for poor quality food, students began demonstrating.