In 1992, New York City began disclosing on assessment notices the percentage of market value used.
As an interim step, the board required financial institutions to begin disclosing the market value of securities in footnotes to annual reports.
Once colleges begin disclosing this vital information, those with the poorest records will be under the greatest pressure to improve.
But the settlement plan, which the company began disclosing late last week and formally announced yesterday, will probably have minimal cost to the company.
Recently, some insurance companies have announced their intention to begin disclosing provider pricing as a way to encourage cost reduction.
That assessment came as the league began disclosing final deals for the rights, covering the next eight years.
Mr. Tancredo made his announcement as other candidates began disclosing their reports on fund-raising in the first quarter of 2007.
Some experts predicted that companies would begin disclosing bonus and severance agreements for senior executives.
While not legally required to do so, Gopac voluntarily began disclosing all contributions immediately following its November 1994 meeting.
She denied she'd been sexually abused by her father at first, but in time she began disclosing.