After starting off strongly, the Huskies began gasping for air down the stretch.
They were ripped off their feet against the forward bulkhead and began gasping for air that wasn't there.
To my relief he soon began sputtering and gasping for air.
I felt a sharp burst of pain through my chest, and 1 began hungrily gasping for air.
Once off the machine, the man began gasping for air.
His diatribe trailed off as he began gasping for control of his growing dread.
Walk a few paces along that twisting corridor of roughhewn green stone and you begin gasping a little.
On another occasion, Paul was laying down a vocal track when he began gasping for air.
As soon as he did, the two inside began gasping for air.
And even as Tom listened to the report of his officer, he and the others began gasping for breath.