Kurosawa began imagining what would have happened had they been bad.
But I couldn't find a foothold, a place to begin imagining.
I began imagining where all the animals should go if I had to leave.
Bolan began imagining food; he had not eaten since noon of the previous day.
But he also began imagining how Picard would act if he lost his first officer.
He quickened his pace, telling himself cheerfully not to begin imagining things, or there would be simply no end to it.
Enough has already been learned to begin imagining what a trip to the core might be like.
For example, in the wish stage, he says, no idea is off limits when you begin imagining what success might be.
No wonder they began hearing and imagining things.
I began imagining a taxi utopia: a system in which anyone would be free to drive a cab and charge whatever he wanted.