The Public Theater will begin its 49th season of free Shakespeare in Central Park with seven weeks of "Much Ado About Nothing" on June 22.
There, he exhibited in Detroit and began "live painting" in Central Park, in New York City.
It began in Central Park with 10,351 starters and ended in Battery Park with 10,294 finishers.
Tomorrow, grass-roots participation begins with a show at the Wollman Rink in Central Park in New York City and other events in 21 cities.
THE exhibit that began last weekend in Central Park is many things to many people.
On 3 January 2005, work began on the installation of the couple's most protracted project, The Gates, in Central Park in New York City.
Mr. Dattner's childcentric civic architecture began with the Adventure Playground in Central Park, at West 67th Street, which he designed in 1966.
The New York Philharmonic's 30th season of free summer parks concerts is to begin on Aug. 1 on the Great Lawn in Central Park.
A 10-kilometer walk on Sunday at 10 a.m., beginning and ending in Central Park.
The first chapter, beginning in Central Park, New York, describes Laila waiting for the married Sihar and planning to lose her virginity to him.