This book begins inauspiciously, with no specific attribution for its material and apparently with little of it new.
The marriage began inauspiciously when an anarchist attempted to bomb them on their wedding day.
Their work in the park began inauspiciously.
His season began inauspiciously when he was hit on the chin with a ball, causing him to miss a week during spring training.
His first period with Humphrey Lyttelton ran from 1953 to 1957, but began inauspiciously.
Tech's first drive began inauspiciously for the Hokies.
Their first half season began inauspiciously as they finished 33-35, placing fifth in the six-team Eastern Division.
Eaton's combat career began inauspiciously, when he was shot down three times in the space of ten days.
Even so, her first year, which began inauspiciously two weeks before Sept. 11, was beyond challenging.
The date, two weeks later, began inauspiciously.