In Uniondale, 16 of the children in the museum program will begin kindergarten.
By September 1999, the state must begin full-day kindergarten and half-day pre-kindergarten in all 28 districts.
Yankovic began kindergarten a year earlier than most children, and he skipped the second grade.
It began with a certain young woman with whom I had begun kindergarten.
Children usually begin grade school around age 5, when they begin kindergarten.
Only Ellie, with the prospect of beginning kindergarten in a new place before her, seemed always overexcited and on a hair-trigger.
Crack-addicted mothers also gave birth to about 1 in 20 of the youngsters who began kindergarten last month.
Dewi, although of the age to begin kindergarten, was enrolled in the first grade.
For this year, the disease control centers recommended a second dose of vaccine for children who were beginning kindergarten or the first grade.
My daughter began kindergarten last September and immediately started to bring home invading organisms.