The cargo ship increased its speed and began evasive maneuvers, leaving the pursuers behind.
Rick ordered his men to begin evasive maneuvers to lessen the staying power of the charge.
The private duty nurse, it said, began respiratory maneuvers and called the hospital's cardiac arrest team.
He threw the runabout into full impulse and began evasive maneuvers.
Again he reminded himself that even if the stronger target began evasive maneuvers, the outcome would be the same.
They've grown fat and slow over the winter and I want them out of the city by noon tomorrow to begin maneuvers.
As she drew near, the creature-ship began evasive maneuvers.
All ships began evasive maneuvers and fired their anti-aircraft batteries.
Turkey, which began scheduled military maneuvers in the area, said Greece's ratification was not yet a reason to go to war.
Her hands hovered over the controls, desperate to begin evasive maneuvers.