The home furnishings magazine, which does not yet have a name, will begin next year on a bimonthly basis.
After a number of problems had been discovered and solved, the computer began operation in 1951 although only on a limited basis.
Data updates to include recent observations were begun on a monthly basis.
This tradition began, on a consistent basis, in 1983.
The film was a box office hit and sequels began on a yearly basis until 1995.
The census of construction industries began on a regular basis in 1967.
American airplanes began to bomb Manila on a daily basis.
The Association began operations on a voluntary basis of committee structure and continues as such today with a small office staff.
It will take training, time, and experience to begin to discern the kind of aid that is needed, if at all, on an individual basis.
Begun on an experimental basis in 1990, the program has steadily grown.