He moved to Mumbai in the year 2001, where he began his foray into the music industry.
It was at this time he picked up his first guitar, beginning his foray into popular music.
Susana Chávez began her foray into the poetry scene when she was age eleven.
During that period Moses began his first foray into large scale public work initiatives while drawing on Smith's political power to enact legislation.
When he was 14 years old he arrived to Iquique, where he began his foray into the artistic life.
As Seattle's school system begins its foray into the commercial realm, however, it may find, as some others have, that the results can be quite modest.
With this unlikely conversation began Robin's decade-long foray into the conservative mind.
Sweid began his foray into politics as head of Eilabun local council in 1993, a position he held until 2000.
That fact was proven soon after Caulkey began his foray toward the service station.
The network also began its first foray into original scripted programming in 2010, beginning with two new sitcoms.