Mr. Burrell was scheduled to begin testifying himself this week.
Mr. Rickman, who began testifying in the afternoon, is to return to the witness stand this morning.
She may begin testifying as early as this afternoon.
Since officials began testifying to Congress in the fall of 1986, some potential violations involving misleading testimony cannot be prosecuted after this fall.
The prosecutors could use the notes to cross-examine the officers, who are expected to begin testifying on Monday.
The admiral is expected to begin testifying in the next two days, most likely Wednesday morning.
The witness, who appeared cheerful when she began testifying on Wednesday, seemed subdued yesterday.
But later, at least one union official began testifying, lawyers and others familiar with the case said.
The nominee began testifying today as the Senate Judiciary Committee opened its confirmation hearing.
Then, Mr. Macedonio said, old friends and acquaintances began testifying.