Due to this barrier, she began utilizing stimulating drawings in her work with patients.
The company's website (Flektor.com) launched on April 2, 2007 and over 40,000 people began utilizing its features just one month later.
Construction of the present church began two years later utilizing the side walls and floor tiles of the previous church.
Pakistani production began in 2000 utilizing an old carburetor based F10A engine.
We also could begin utilizing unfettered free agency, which was introduced in place of Plan B following the 1992 season.
They now begin utilizing many different kicks and acrobatic movements.
Scheduled flights began five months later in July 1994 utilizing Boeing 737 jetliners.
Eventually, portable kitchen cabinets lost their popularity after new houses began utilizing built-in cabinetry.
She even began utilizing Stratus' signature finishing moves as her own during matches.
Subsequently, other stars began utilizing Simpson as well.