The song begins with the narrator and her brother returning, after morning chores, to the family house for dinner.
In 1872, he moved to Chicago to begin a food manufacturing business with his brother, James.
He met with considerable opposition, beginning with his brother Friedrich who had succeeded his father as minister.
Helen returned to Atlantic City and began singing with her brother Ed's band.
Brooks is the co-founder of Skorb, a venture that he began with his brother in 2011.
List began modeling both by herself and with her brother Spencer.
He then returned to the Philippines to begin a practice with his brother, Arcadio.
He began judo with his older brother at the dojo near his house.
A noted academic, he published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and began work on a sixteen-volume surgical guide with his brother, Ricardo.
He began to answer that question Sunday, with his brother watching from the sideline.