The 1947-48 school year marked the beginning of Central's existence as a new school.
At the very beginning of their existence as an independent publishing, they focused on Russian and translated science fiction.
From the beginning of its existence the festival's program foundations were clear.
Transaction costs have had evolving identities since the beginning of their existence.
This tendency, though very strong at the beginning of their existence, becomes weaker in older trees.
That was a reference to a fateful choice made at the beginning of modern Israel's existence.
He is, however, depicted as having existed since nearly the beginnings of Cybertron's existence.
British people started to found their own social institutions, which did not allow non-British members at the beginning of their existence.
The band decided to make a tribute for all the bands that influenced their music since the very beginning of the band's existence.
Nevertheless historians assign the beginning of their existence as a state to the 15th century.