These pupils often have a range of learning and/or behavioural problems.
However, her behavioural problems continued and she was suspended from school multiple times in the fall of 2002.
They found that more than six out of 10 children with emotional and behavioural problems were regular smokers.
During her studies, she volunteered in an asylum for adolescents with behavioural problems.
Psychiatric and behavioural problems are the most common cause of hospitalization.
The finding could throw light on other behavioural problems and lead to the development of new approaches to treatment, researchers said.
But teachers faced with increasing behavioural problems have come round to seeing that values in education could work to their advantage.
At 14 there was another unit for kids with behavioural problems who had been excluded.
It is not a mental health problem, or a behavioural problem.
The children show certain behavioural problems usually associated with someone who has been abused.