Without a sound they moved to the corner of the opening, positioning themselves behind a wide pillar.
This individual, half behind a pillar, was also making a pretense of watching the floor show.
"I'm famous at this theater for hiding behind a pillar when anyone with any importance in the world comes down."
Monk was behind a pillar, almost on top of a second gunman.
I crouched down to hide behind a pillar, and watched.
I ran from the steps and crouched down behind a pillar of the porch.
Stepping behind a big pillar, Harry saw the car stop.
While Joe was writing, two men came into the room and sat down behind a pillar that was close at hand.
Then her mind was clear, and she looked out from behind a pillar at ten men seated in a circle.
They were standing behind a pillar because she wasn't sure she wanted him to see them.