Promising new series would often be premiered behind hits to help build an audience.
Sharing the bill is Eric Bazilian, the songwriter behind hits by Cyndi Lauper, Joan Osborne and the Hooters.
What will Kevin Aviance, the drag-wearing dance diva behind hits like "Din Da Da," do in this cabaret setting?
In fact, Mr. Engen said, "Now Premiering on Home Video" has become the second most popular section in many stores, right behind new hits.
Reuters noted him as, "one of Latin music's premiere songwriters and the man behind countless hits".
It is the band's third most successful song, behind previous hits "Meant to Live" and "Dare You to Move".
The band, who are based in Bradford, are behind hits such as "Living Next Door to Alice" in the 1970s.
If you ever play games online, the chances are you'll have played something by PopCap, the Seattle company behind hits like Bejewelled.
Now the magazines are at odds again, but this time it is over the bubblegum-pop star Ms. Spears, the bellybutton-baring teenager behind hits like "Oops!
In a December 1984 interview with Record Mirror, the magazine tested Lea's memory by asking him to recall the story behind certain hits.