About 1,000 people sat on chairs behind metal barricades and red velvet ropes on Broadway.
At Mr. Sprouse's show, they were pushed behind velvet ropes in the street off Union Square.
For a time, it was displayed behind velvet ropes in the foyer of the United States Embassy in Singapore.
At lunchtime, we rush to the bank and fume behind velvet ropes.
"You don't have one party a night," Mr. Biron scolded a reporter with less time behind velvet ropes.
It is not, contrary to expectations, a collection of rare cars behind velvet ropes.
The shrine at the far end is a marble wall that bears the names of all those killed on the Arizona, protected behind velvet ropes.
There was a faint cinnamony smell about him that always made Ralph think of Egyptian mummies kept behind red velvet ropes in shadowy museums.
Like the view; you can't put the view behind velvet ropes.
Westerners accustomed to standing behind velvet ropes can be a bit reticent about making use of these privileges.