Of the scores of proposals for changing the United Nations in the last decade, this is the first to focus on the behind-the-scenes influence of bloc politics.
Although he has surrendered the party's formal leadership, Western diplomats and party officials say he wields immense behind-the-scenes influence.
Hiranuma served on the Privy Council for over 10 years, exerting considerable behind-the-scenes influence.
The abolishment of the Advisory Council effectively ended the behind-the-scenes influence of senior retirees.
Her behind-the-scenes influence led her to be considered virtual co-director.
After his retirement, Kawawa remained a behind-the-scenes influence in Tanzanian politics.
Hoover called her "indispensable" and she exercised great behind-the-scenes influence on Hoover and the workings of the Bureau.
President Bush and Mr. Baker can exert what the Secretary called "quiet, behind-the-scenes influence and persuasion."
Whatever system we are discussing, it is neither necessary nor helpful to subscribe to conspiracy theories of the behind-the-scenes influence exercised by civil servants.