He is not the behind-the-scenes power who controls the House.
He had also been very active in politics, as a behind-the-scenes power in local, state, and national campaigns.
How much behind-the-scenes power does she really wield?
However it is seen, he has great, often behind-the-scenes, power.
But many Ghanaians say they resent the behind-the-scenes power of foreign economic experts here.
Although in practice, it was a title without power as his mother retained most of the presidential powers behind-the-scenes.
The author explored the paper's examination of the behind-the-scenes power exercised by the corporate elite in Hartford.
His wife, backed by several sextons and other functionaries, became the behind-the-scenes power in Satmar.
Not long ago, politically sensitive articles and books were usually the work of behind-the-scenes power plays, with one leader or faction trying to discredit another.
Even in periods of military rule, the Saadis have managed to retain some behind-the-scenes power.