The documentary, which was produced before Sept. 11, began as an earnest behind-the-scenes report on the relationship between the government and show business, designed to fill the apparently endless appetite movie buffs have for this kind of thing.
The program first went on the air in February 2002, offering exclusive and headline news, behind-the-scenes reports, in-depth interviews with world leaders and newsmakers such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ralph Nader, Kofi Annan and the Dalai Lama.
A behind-the-scenes report.
Al Lutz is a blogger who publishes rumors and behind-the-scenes reports primarily about the Disneyland Resort in California and other Disney businesses.
The original idea was to provide a behind-the-scenes report on an indisputably excellent singer who had achieved sensational popularity before her 30th birthday.
He was already an experienced writer for the Catholic press when articles by Xavier Rynne began appearing in The New Yorker giving daring, behind-the-scenes reports on the conclave and its debates about changes in the Catholic Church.
A behind-the-scenes report is listed on their website.
The article is supposedly an "exclusive ... behind-the-scenes report on the final episodes": Someone should tell Newsweek (see below).
He listens to Adam's games over the Internet and expects a postgame phone call for a behind-the-scenes report.
Astronomy Beat is an on-line column, which comes out every other week, and features a behind-the-scenes report on some aspect of astronomical discovery, astronomy education, or astronomy as a hobby, written by a key participant.