Navy blue, dark blue, and light green patches are distributed on a beige background.
Houston is wearing a white dress in mood of the beige and grey background.
I found that turning down the brightness (or using the beige background while reading) mitigated the problem.
Turning down the brightness helps a little, as does using the beige background.
"We didn't want to spend money on decor," she said, her red suit a slash of color against the creamy beige background inside the center.
The recording showed no more personality than did the featureless beige background behind Whitehorse.
Sort of oriental bamboo-y patterned wallpaper with a beige background.
Adding the beige background of the carpeted ceiling did nothing to improve the image she was seeing.
The wallpaper in the hall was faded brown fern leaves against a dirty beige background.
In addition, a limited edition was produced, which has a beige background instead of a full motion video montage.