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In truth we touch Beingness, which is our basic nature.
The female part is apparent in the sense of beingness.
You must be prepared to let the right form emerge from the truth of your beingness.
The goal of auditing is to restore beingness and ability.
Feel the gentle touches and caresses of the beingness all around you.
What does a new human beingness look like?
Dreaming of developing my beingness in lightly falling snow that never here has known.
Beingness is the act of surrender into that which one is and simply expressing.
In fact, it consists of various levels of consciousness that make up your beingness.
But technology itself does not constitute this beingness.
It puts us, through increased beingness and a restoration of life, in control of much destiny.
Thus, contingency-in-itself is potential beingness that could eventually be actualized by an external cause other than itself.
For as they, the angels, have not experienced the material world, indeed, it would bring them further completion as to their own beingness.
"You're taking responsibility for your own beingness."
He'll be able to maintain his own beingness, while he makes ethical decisions on his own.
Its beingness is dependent on yours, however.
However, a deeper look into the Torah itself teaches us that God's beingness is far more complex.
Some ancient Indians aspired to "beingness, wisdom and happiness".
To achieve the living beingness of prediction is the acme of the predictor's art.
Internal is the tone of presence, the knowledge of self at the center of one's beingness.
Excessiveness in any part of our beingness, whether it is emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical, tends to weaken rather than strengthen us.
It is a beingness.
However, the individual's sense of self was not a complete illusion since it was derived from the universal beingness that is Brahman.
Furthermore it is the contemplation of the image that is the source of the beingness of things.
Beingness is assumed by oneself or given to oneself or is attained.