In April the following year, two months after the ship's belated acceptance into service due to teething troubles, Dowling embarked Sydney for Australia with two squadrons of fighters aboard.
Similarly the belated acceptance of the need for cuts.
The arc of Gary Blair's career is the arc of women's basketball, from grudging tolerance to defiant outsider resolve to belated acceptance.
The reason for their belated acceptance by serious listeners has to do with evident shortcomings in earlier models.
Some labor officials say that outright support of Liberal Democrats is not out of the question anymore, a concession that reflects belated acceptance of reality.
The best thing about Mr. Kilgo's writing is that he leaves it at this, a wondering, not a pronouncement about some belated acceptance of adulthood.
Leri opened her mouth to protest that statement, then took a deep breath and nodded her head in belated acceptance.
That unnecessary row could have been avoided, but I welcome this belated acceptance of the European Parliament's commonsense decision.
The President of the Commission's belated acceptance of the serious nature and extent of financial mismanagement in his services is welcome.
Then she rejected his lawyer's arguments and dismissed his "very belated and halting acceptance of responsibility."