This job was much bigger than Cherbourg, and was to provide relief to the beleaguered French capital and its citizens.
You know: "According to one German visitor to this beleaguered capital..." People love that malarkey.
But the 1,600 troops are barely enough to protect the relief convoys coming into Bosnia's beleaguered capital.
To the few Berliners remaining in the beleaguered capital, their city is now largely unrecognisable from the one that had unleashed an iron empire stretching from North Africa to the Baltic.
Her career would continue until the Khmer Rouge captured the beleaguered capital, Phnom Penh in April 1975.
It comes as leaders of this beleaguered capital, which was the nation's fastest shrinking city in the early 1990's, contend that it is about to turn the corner on its economic problems and begin a renaissance.
The Khmer Rouge communists initiated their dry-season offensive to capture the beleaguered Cambodian capital on January 1, 1975.
"You want to keep busy any Lakana reinforcements that might come to die aid of die beleaguered capital."
By the time the Khmer Rouge initiated their dry-season offensive to capture the beleaguered Cambodian capital on 1 January 1975, the Republic was in chaos.
GC Chief of Security and Intelligence Suhail Akbar spoke with us by phone earlier from the beleaguered capital.