They would stop conducting politics with religious symbols and demonstrate instead how true belief informs politics wisely.
But mostly there were plenty of congratulations and hundreds of comments from other feminists on the ways their political beliefs had informed their weddings and marriages.
Religious beliefs also informed the founding fathers' crafting of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
These brief encounters function to communicate Sally's belief in "a magical being," but how, or whether, such a belief informs her actions remains less certain.
"I started to see that these beliefs inform our politics, and they inform our relationships, and our ethics."
This belief informed Toland's philosophy of nature.
His Christian belief informed his work with the Cherokee Nation.
This all-inclusive belief informs a DVD she is making as part of the project.
A belief in magick had informed the great minds of the Renaissance from Francis Bacon to Isaac Newton, but that didn't make them right.
This belief in heritability of traits informed Schopenhauer's view of love - placing it at the highest level of importance.