I also loved the believable way she showed us Kyle changing, transforming.
As for the rivalry between Woody and Buzz, it too keeps the film sparkling in believable ways.
"So he suggested a believable way that would make the same story point."
That style of face-to-face campaigning works, but only if you have a worthwhile message and can deliver it in a believable way.
Resolving these two states in a believable way can be quite complex.
Actors must deliver dialogue and action in a believable way, so as to persuade the audience that the film is real life.
How Edelstein can play this in a believable way is the point where acting moves from skill to art.
The Lums talk to one another in an utterly believable way.
"There's a great vibe off that spot," he said in a surprisingly believable way.
I found it a very believable and understandable way of thinking about data.