Long believed extinct, the species was rediscovered in 1994 after a tropical storm.
Formerly believed extinct after no sightings were recorded for over 100 years, the species has since been found in four localities.
What happens when you find - if you find - an animal believed extinct?
The spix macaw from Brazil is now believed extinct in the wild.
Of course, chances to save birds not yet believed extinct are common, if sadly less appealing.
"That was the fish believed extinct for seventy million years until they began to be found off the coast of east Africa."
They were believed extinct as a tribe as, landless, they disappeared from the historical record.
The species was long believed extinct, following the destruction of its first recorded forest habitat.
It was believed extinct until its rediscovery on the rock known as Ball's Pyramid.
The tribe was long believed extinct, as its members migrated north to merge with other tribes.