The school operates on a 7 period a day bell schedule, allowing for 48 minute classes with 8 minutes passing time.
The Academies run on the same bell schedule.
From there they follow this bell schedule over nine 40 minute periods with three minutes between each class.
At 2:00pm on March 1, 2011, over 1000 students walked out to intervene the new bell schedule.
The school's bell schedule has been adjusted to a modified block format, to accommodate student needs.
Students follow a bell schedule of a 40 minute period, nine period day.
The bell schedule is based on a system revolving around the lunch periods.
It operates its daily bell schedule on a 12-period system.
This bell schedule was introduced in September 2011.
The Middle and High Schools have different bell schedules for changing classes.
The school operates on a 7 period a day bell schedule, allowing for 48 minute classes with 8 minutes passing time.
The Academies run on the same bell schedule.
From there they follow this bell schedule over nine 40 minute periods with three minutes between each class.
At 2:00pm on March 1, 2011, over 1000 students walked out to intervene the new bell schedule.
The school's bell schedule has been adjusted to a modified block format, to accommodate student needs.
Students follow a bell schedule of a 40 minute period, nine period day.
The bell schedule is based on a system revolving around the lunch periods.
It operates its daily bell schedule on a 12-period system.
This bell schedule was introduced in September 2011.
The Middle and High Schools have different bell schedules for changing classes.