He displayed a remote, nearly belligerent attitude toward reporters' questions.
Eisenhower, for his part, was incensed by Truman's belligerent attitude toward him.
"I'm sure you can understand the reason for her belligerent attitude."
He was an average-sized character with a belligerent attitude and a fat face.
A deformed eye and belligerent attitude stopped him being adopted by any family so he became a ward of the state.
"Captain, you wound me with such a belligerent attitude."
Given Kakkh's belligerent attitude, there appeared to be no point in mincing words.
A tough, street-wise hood with a belligerent attitude and a quick temper.
"And with your belligerent attitude, you're certainly providing them, aren't you?"
An aggressive or belligerent attitude towards other dogs should not be faulted.