At the sight of the Cardassian warship, menacing on the huge overhead display, the belligerent mood of the ambassadors faded.
The New Jersey was now almost a half mile away and its captain was obviously not in a belligerent mood.
When he returned to the shop, he found Patch in a belligerent mood.
Was let in and he was in belligerent mood; Warden had been riding him.
With Park in a belligerent mood, Ray told Park that they would fight at Slammiversary.
The agency is in a belligerent mood, fighting off what they regard as a male backlash.
"The Indians seem to be in a very provocative and belligerent mood."
Don Juan's statements put me in a belligerent mood.
Moreover, it was obvious the man was in a belligerent mood.
Schwartzman was evidently in a belligerent mood and was not going to be deterred from attacking.