Thus, Buol attempted to pursue a middle course, trying to mediate between the belligerent parties.
This principle enables a belligerent party to claim territory that it has acquired by war.
While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in operations with an opposing armed force where the United States is not a belligerent party.
Under International Law an armistice is a legal agreement (often in a document) which ends fighting between the "belligerent parties" of a war or conflict.
The "War of Southern Aggression", conversely, has been used by those who maintain that the South was the belligerent party.
While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict in which the United States is not a belligerent party.
He was often called upon to cross the front lines between the belligerent parties and negotiate cease-fire and humanitarian truces.
Considerable efforts are currently being made to get belligerent parties other than states to sign up to the Ottawa Convention.
A belligerent party is not impartial and cannot be entrusted with such reconstruction and take responsibility for it.
Today, no negotiating table is large enough to fit all the belligerent parties.