The ruling party had been overthrown and a new junta come to power, more belligerent than the last.
A similar policy was inaugurated by the belligerent powers early in World War II.
His motive is linked back to a denial given some years earlier that he was not involved in negotiations with a belligerent foreign power.
While the two conventions offer a guideline to what the belligerent powers were considering before the war, neither of these documents came to be legally binding.
The following table shows the timeline of the several declarations of war among the belligerent powers.
The Civil War was the last time a belligerent power seriously resorted to privateering.
Others are only binding on individuals if the belligerent power to which they belong is a party to the treaty which introduced the constraint.
Then the sections of the Second International had divided up between the different belligerent powers.
Practically all other neutral countries are in one way or another tied up with some belligerent power and dependent on it.
Most belligerent powers cut back severely on production of non-essentials, concentrating on producing weapons.