The carpet was beginning to buckle of its own accord, the belly sagged downwards, dragging on the ground.
Heavy gray clouds had rolled in, their bellies sagging low overhead, giving the light an eerie cast as it struggled to penetrate them.
His belly sags toward the water, even though he makes a valiant effort to suck it back up.
Now he was fifty-four and slightly bald, and his belly sagged in his Jantzen trunks.
He was in his undershirt, and his belly sagged, wrinkling his undershirt.
His belly sagged, his head drooped, he realized for the first time that even his eyeballs had weight on their sockets.
Her belly sags low!
It was naked except for a piece of rag, over which a great belly sagged.
His belly didn't sag the same way.
His belly sagged over his belt.