The most famous one was Yang Guozhong, brother of Lady Yang, the beloved concubine of the emperor.
It is often thought that Kitsuno was Nobunaga's most beloved concubine and that she probably had a higher position than Nōhime.
He mentioned a Japanese lady, Ouroussan, who became a beloved concubine of King Le Than Tong.
Ordered constructed by a South American king in honor of his most beloved concubine, whom priests ordered to be sacrificed.
Desperate, Lord Mengchang sent a messenger to the king of Qin's beloved concubine for help.
Consort Yu (died 202 BC), beloved concubine of Xiang Yu who killed herself to restore his fighting spirit.
Eventually, Zhang killed his beloved concubine and let the soldiers eat her body.
Unfortunately, Caofei, his beloved concubine, died here.
What I should like to be would be your own beloved concubine.