The slathering of love on beloved creatures is a far cry from the days when Snoopy and his brethren were banished to backyard doghouses.
If believers can walk and talk with Jesus, why not with their beloved creatures?
He suddenly felt more completely alone than even the foxes and owls, for they at least had a nest or lair and warm, beloved creatures awaiting them.
The trees would never be planted now that I was leaving Kamak, and the pits would serve as graves for my beloved creatures.
The Linyaari Elders claimed that RK looked incredibly like those beloved feline creatures, however.
So what could this beloved creature do, but arrange as best he could to watch the show in peace?
My beloved creature, what do you mean'?
A soothsayer revealed the reason for the ill winds: the goddess Artemis was angry, because Agamemnon had slain one of her beloved creatures, a wild hare.
Brobostigon pushed Leovinus off him, and the old man staggered back and fell onto the floor across the outspread wings of his beloved creature.
How a vast and well-organized group of amateur enthusiasts helped save their beloved creatures.