I saw all my beloved people and places, yet I was free.
The essay ends with a reminder that the peace at home is not possible without the sacrifices from the "most beloved people".
'From niv heart I thank my beloved people', she said.
That, my beloved people, is the glorious mantle which we have prepared to place upon our country.
He called himself not a king but a "rightful servant of his beloved people".
The place has been known for its patriots, beloved people, and the long standing school where many scholars started their schooling since 1972.
He did not refer to himself as a king, but a "rightful servant of his beloved people".
"But we want to find our beloved people and bury them with dignity."
Poor soul, dead of cancer at thirty-two, leaving all this life, these beloved people behind!
And certainly he will protect us, his beloved people, as he always has.